Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spirit Bear Reflection Chapters 17 and 18

Edwin tells Cole they are going to dance tomarrow night. Cole slept troubled, thinking of what everybody was doing. He got angry. Edwin wakes Cole up early and they go swimming in a lake. Edwin gives Cole a stick and tells him to keep breaking off the left end until it is gone, but makes a point that the left end is always there. Edwin says life is what you make of it. Randomly, Edwin got out. and Cole followed.

They decide that tonight they shall dance the whale dance. Cole eats cereal, and when Edwin tells him to eat something else, he refuses. He also refuses gloves to work with on the shelter. But, as we worked, he grew hungry, and his hands got blisters, but he did not tell Edwin or Garvey. Edwin said that pride had no place on the island. Cole cooked unwillingly and cleaned their dishes for everyone, and then Edwin explains the way of dancing and he dances the whale dance, sharing what he learned. Garvey danced, too. And then Cole danced. The they slept.

Edwin and Cole once again went swimming. Afterwards, they went and found a big rock, and Edwin told Cole that it was his ancestors. Edwin explains what Cole is doing while he carries the rock up a hill. Then, Edwin tells Cole to get rid of his anger by rolling the rock back down the hill. Cole asks a question and Edwin mentions it is intellegent, and answers.

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